Leeloo & Zorg Cosplay from The Fifth Element

This magnificent Leeloo & Zorg cosplay gets a MULTIPASS!! The pair are from Luc Besson’s science fiction cult classic, The Fifth Element! Cosplayers Tanuki Tinka Asai and Alexander Saburov did an incredible job becoming Leeloo and Zorg. Leeloo is one of the Supreme Beings of the Universe. She was sent to Earth in corporeal form to become the Fifth Element.

The attention to props in this Leeloo and Zorg cosplay photoshoot is truly wonderful. They even included the four elemental stones, which are a group of powerful brick-like objects. The Elemental Stones combine with the Supreme Being to become a powerful weapon capable of defeating the Great Evil that threatens Earth. So they’re kind of a big deal.

They other amazing prop is Zorg’s gun, a Zorg ZF-1 Pod Weapon. The replica in this photoshoot is just perfect and almost indistinguishable from the actual movie prop!

The details in these Leeloo and Zorg cosplay costumes are super well done too. Both cosplayers really look the part with perfect clothing and wigs. She really nailed Leeloo’s weird suspender things too, lol! So without further ado, here are the stunning photos shot by JCJ…

Leeloo & Zorg Cosplay from The Fifth Element
Leeloo The Fifth Element
Leeloo The Fifth Element

Leeloo The Fifth Element
Leeloo & Zorg Cosplay from The Fifth Element
Leeloo & Zorg Cosplay from The Fifth Element
Leeloo & Zorg Cosplay from The Fifth Element
Leeloo & Zorg Cosplay from The Fifth Element

Cosplayers: Tanuki Tinka Asai as Leeloo & Alexander Saburov as Zorg

Photographer: JCJ

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