Letter to Parents From a Florida Teacher

So you’ve probably heard about Florida’s bizarre “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that forbids teaching gender identity or sexual orientation schools for kindergarten through Grade 3. This policy has obviously drawn intense national scrutiny for marginalizing LGBTQ+ people. So this facebook post that is written as a letter to parents from a Florida teacher makes a really good point. If you can’t have gender identity in school then this is what you get:

Letter to Parents From a Florida Teacher

(via: Alastair Reay)

(This site is LGBTQ+ friendly. We will not tolerate any hate speech, discrimination or bigotry in the comments below. Thank you.)

6 thoughts on “Letter to Parents From a Florida Teacher

  1. Listen up you woke teacher! You will do what the law says OR DONT TEACH. Hell you can’t even teach them basic curriculum.THEY ARE TO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND! Repeat after me!! THEY ARE TO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND!!

    1. *too young. (Second ‘to’ is correct.) Hoping you’re not in a job teaching basic curriculum. Kudos on your correct usage of the word “them.”

    2. How old were you when you knew what gender you were? ‘Cause if it was before third grade I have bad news sweetie.

  2. Rants like the above in all caps and improper grammar (TO instead of TOO, for example), will rarely be taken seriously no matter which side of the debate you sit on. Rational debate will earn respect, though.

  3. But Nunya, that’s exactly what they’re doing. Calm yourself down. They’re following the law and keeping everything out.

  4. Nunya if they didn’t understand, they wouldn’t be in school. To be honest most of them have already learned gender bias by the time they reach a classroom, teachers need to de-program them so that they can function in a modern society. Ignorance like yours should have died out with the dinosaur.

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