2 thoughts on “Liberal Steve Rogers

  1. I could comment on a lotta things here, but I read the bullying part and a whole speech from Cap popped into my head.
    Random defensive person: “Well, boys will be boys, y’know?”
    Captain America: “Sir/Ma’am, in my day, boys became men. And we did it by going overseas and fighting the kind of people who bully those weaker than themselves. Now I’m not saying we should send all these boys through what I had to go through, but they should be learning what I did somehow.”

    Also, about “Captain America for President” when he turns 35 — you mean when he turns 105, but nobody counts the 70 years under the ice. I imagine Tony Stark or Peter Parker teaching him how to turn down the offers by saying “We don’t need another old white guy in the Oval Office” and it becoming a meme in and of itself.

  2. I can just totally see Steve parking himself in the way of some white nationalist march and just glaring at them. “No you don’t,” he says, “not here.” And then when they start yelling and throwing things he just takes it until one of them swings on him.

    And then it’s on like Donkey Kong.

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