Jenny Jinya‘s latest comic is a summer special in which Life and Death switch roles! It’s a bit different from her usual content but she said she needed something funny in-between to stay sane. Here’s a little bit more info about the artist:
Jenny is a freelance illustrator from Germany and the original artist of the “Loving Reaper” comics. You’ve probably seen her work around the internet, it’s gone viral many times. She is famous for her sad comics made to raise awareness and funds. You can support her comics on her Patreon here. They feature animals and pets who have passed on and they are usually guaranteed to make you cry.

Support the artist on Patreon!
Artist: Jenny Jinya – Facebook – Instagram
So, who did the better job after the switch, Life or Death? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Death was so happy that he had the life role. He made the freakin Platypus for crying out loud!!
I really like Death is proud and say “Perfect”. Great work!