C-Section Comics drew this wonderfully nihilistic “Live Forever” comic about the genie of the lamp rejecting a humans wish. Here’s a little bit about the web comic:
“C-Section Comics publishes comic strips, cartoons and caricatures about practically any topic you could think of. The site has been online since 2010, and today there are hundreds of comics in our archives. The site is a one-man operation – that’s me, Idan.
My comics deal with burning issues such as why dads tell dad jokes , the crazy things we do for love , trouble sleeping , and yes, occasionally also politics. Other topics include technology, geek humor, the internet, social networks, office humor, LGBTQ, TV show satires, God, religion, nihilism, relationships, the bible, talking animals, and more.”

Bonus Panel:

Source: C-Section Comics
(via: Geeks are Sexy)