This motivational quote from The Book of Boba Fett said by Madam Garsa Fwip is perfection! She said it to the badass Wookie Black Krrsantan in The Book of Boba Fett: Episode 4 to try and stop him from killing the Trandoshans. The Star Wars facebook page posted this abridged version of her speech for Motivational Monday, (the full quote is transcribed below):

And here is the full Madam Garsa quote:
“I remember your years in the Pit. I’ve never seen a more impressive display of martial prowess, and you were a legend. And the name Krrsantan drew crowds by the thousands. Your knuckle dusters are more feared than blasters. You’ve met every challenge. You’ve won every trophy. Is it not beneath you to dismember this unfortunate Trandoshan? Thousands once cheered such a display. But those days have passed. In this more civilized place in these more civilized times, what was once celebrated in the bloodlust of the arena is now seen as horror and cruelty. There, there. Isn’t that better? And you’ve nothing left to prove. You are a champion. You are above such pettiness. Now, you have run up quite a bar tab, Santo. So, what say you release this customer and let these fine folks get back to their fun and in return, I will wipe your debt off the books?” -Garsa Fwip