When people ask stuff like “Why is it only women who see sexism everywhere?”, it’s a pretty obvious answer that it’s because they experience it more, often on the daily. Well Marty Schneider tweeted a little story of the time @nickyknacks taught him how hard it is for professional women to get the respect they deserve. Basically they did a sexism experiment where he used her name in emails and she used his name in emails to see how different people treated them. She had one of the easiest weeks of her professional life. He… didn’t. You can read her story on Medium here: Working While Female.

Source: Marty Schneider
(via: Imgur)
Sadly, I have seen this at different jobs. One woman with two PhDs (Nuclear Physics and Math) vs. a department head who simply assumed she couldn’t be right on anything. A worse situation of two women with PhDs in Math, both years with the company and deeply involved with the product, vs. a fresh-out total idiot – but all three from retiring-female-dominant-male cultures, so the younger inexperienced incompetent fool started lording over the two senior experienced important engineers until an older MALE got involved.
Definitely a pro to having an often male name.
Sure I was almost marked absent when we had a sub in class and the teacher wasn’t looking for a girl (let alone a short chick in an advanced weight training class). But it comes in handy sometimes
I work in a hardware/home improvement store as a cashier. I know very little about the items we sell in the various departments. I’m getting better at learning some stuff, and about the home improvement stuff, from work I’ve done on my own house, but still not much. When I put returns back on the shelves in the various departments (Plumbing/electrical/whatever) customers will walk right past the female Department Managers that are at the department desk, and walk up to me, the guy just putting returns back, and ask me about the products or information, when in reality the women who actually work in that department can help them in 2 seconds compared to me being able to figure out the information eventually. And for any actual advice I end up passing them off onto the women who actually know anyway. It’s crazy calling over the woman they just walked right by to get them the best information.