LOL @ this silly Many Bothans Died comic by Blue Milk Special! They are a hilarious web comic that parodies the original Star Wars trilogy one scene at a time, starting with A New Hope, including The Holiday Special (yes, you read right) and they also touch on some expanded universe material. If you are a Star Wars fan and aren’t familiar with their comic yet you should check them out for sure! Their name of course comes from that breakfast scene on Tatooine in Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV). There’s a jug of blue liquid on the table when Luke Skywalker is having dinner with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. This blue liquid has since become known as “blue milk” among hardcore Star Wars fans.
This Many Bothans Died comic pokes fun at Mon Mothma’s iconic quote from before the Battle of Endor in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI). Anyway, this comic has gone viral a few times and it always gives us a good laugh. You might even say “It’s an older meme sir, but it checks out.”

“IT’S A FRAP!” -Admiral Ackbar
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Artist: Blue Milk Special