Ouch! A DC fan made this amusing comparison of the members of the Avengers and the Justice League and Marvel gets absolutely slaughtered. But is this actually a fair assessment? What do you guys think? *Cue Marvel nerd rage!*

(via: Geek Girls)
So are you Team Marvel or Team DC? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Tony in an engineer and can build anything he needs, Bruce is a detective who can figure out a plan but requires others to do the gadget building for him.
Thor is a god, Supes is weak to no sun, red sun, kryptonite, magic(like all of Thor’s abilities)
Steve has superhuman strength, iededic (photographic) memory, is versed(considered a master) in multiple martial arts, is selfless, multi-to-omni-lingual. Arthur is as strong as Superman, and controls oceanlife, and has clashed with his allies as often as he has helped them.
Hulk is more than smash, though almost nothing can stop him when he does, but is also intelligence, friendly, wants to be left alone and will make sure he can be. Green lantern power rings have limits, and the unbridled strength that The Hulk can produce is beyond their scope (as can be shown that the rings can’t keep up with the best Human Green Lantern, John Stewart(comics not cartoons), an architect whose constructs were unstoppable because he envisioned them down to every rivet…and the ring could not keep up with him). Granted, a GL wouldn’t NEED to make a Hulk, just need to make things to stop him.
Hawkeye is so much more than just “shoot bunch of arrows” but if that’s what you want to put it down to, sure. That includes ice arrows, meaning Flash can catch it, sure, then the ground is now frictionless ice, his biggest weakness.
By the time Dianna even realized Widow was after her, Widow would have been to Themyscira, stolen more than enough artifacts to put her on even footing, if not having turned the amazons against WW who would strip her of her powers.
The last panels? REally? A comparison of suffering? Let’s see…Nick, who has endured, fought against, been betrayed, and grown stronger after every event in his life, vs Manhunter, who had at multiple times wanted to die because he was the last Martian. Only being part of the JL gives him purpose to live. Oh, and he’s weak to fire, something that another Batman-level-intelligence would likely figure out, because in a crossover like this? You can bet your bippy that Amanda Whaller would contact Nick Fury with information, just in case.
Dang, you pretty much covered what I wanted to say, but I’m going to include my own version just for the heck of it.
Iron Man: Cool, so I guess you also invented armor that covers your chin, huh? Or plenty of technology that helps the world at large?
Batman: Um. I have little knives shaped like bats?
Thor: I admit, I can’t destroy the sun. Oh well, at least I have these pretty green glowing rocks to take as a consolation prize.
Superman: Oh crap.
Thor: They seem to be troubling you. Don’t worry, I can hurl magic lightning at you to knock them away. With your strength, I’m sure that magic isn’t a problem, right?
Green lantern: (coughs, weakly lifts himself out of the rubble) On consideration, I probably should have asked whether my will and focus was equal to the unending rage of the Hulk. Ow.
Hawkeye: Well, gee, it’s a shame that you don’t have an archer to pit me against.
Green Arrow: What the hell, dude? You couldn’t call me?
Flash: Uh.
Quicksilver: Seriously, Flash, you thought that was a reasonable comparison? What, are you afraid of a little competition?
Flash: Look, I mean–
Hawkeye: So, using this kind of metric, can we have Batman try to punch out the Hulk? Cause that would be hilarious.
Black Widow: Yeah, I’m in a similar situation.
Wonder Woman: Honestly, I’m not even sure why we’re doing this to begin with.
Nick Fury: So, I guess they left us for last.
Martian Manhunter: Indeed. I suspect they forgot about us.
Nick Fury: Yeah, what exactly is it that they thought was similar? It’s the bald thing, right?
Martian Manhunter: Possibly. Shall we posture about how I am able to defeat you now?
Nick Fury: I have a flamethrower.
Martian Manhunter: Draw?
Nick Fury: Cool.
Yes, and guess whose movies are making bank and whose aren’t? Guess which characters have human flaws and come off that much more interesting because of it? The problem with Superman is he has nowhere to escalate to, which is why his movies of late are so blah. Batman’s just the straight-man for all his rogues and his superpower is infinite cash to have someone make him cool things with. WW is… a strong female role model…? Marvel just has this habit of making their supers so overpowered they have nowhere interesting to go with them beyond maybe one or two plots where they’re challenged.
(And Marvel doesn’t seem to have this same problem when it comes to animated series, where, I guess, they have more room to bounce the characters off one another.)
These are like the ridiculous Superman v Goku debates or the Batman v anyone debates.
I’m team Saitama.