Meet The Man Who Wears Heels and Skirts Daily

Meet Mark Bryan, a heterosexual, cisgender, 62-year-old man who wears heels and skirts daily! He is a robotic engineer and now fashion model who 5 years ago started dressing in high heels, pantyhose and skirts to go to work simply because he likes to dress like this. This native Texan living in Berlin, Germany is married with children and loves working on vintage Porsches. He thinks clothes shouldn’t have gender. He wants people to see him and think about how well dressed he is instead of debating his sexuality.

“If you have confidence in yourself and you go out in the world, people will see that. If you don’t have it, all they see is someone that’s weak and scared, if you are weak and scared… that’s when the wolves will attack. The wolves are predators, they like to attack the weak. The bullies and the people who can’t understand it, they’ll see that weakness and that’s when they track with the verbal abuse or the physical abuse. If you walk tall and confident  like you know what you’re doing and you believe in yourself, people will leave you alone.” -Mark Bryan

Meet The Man Who Wears Heels and Skirts Daily
Meet The Man Who Wears Heels and Skirts Daily

Meet The Man Who Wears Heels and Skirts Daily
Meet The Man Who Wears Heels and Skirts Daily

Source: Mark Bryan

(via: Boys)

I mean did you see his legs though!?! If I had legs like that I’d shows them off too! Damn, more men should wear heels! ❤️

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