Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series

TW: self-harm, mental illness. Shawn Coss created this art series of ink depictions of mental illness and disorders to fight the stigma associated with them and help bring more awareness to mental health. He drew one a day in October for his “Inktober Illness” series. Here are some of the most powerful illustrations (and there are many more to see on his instagram):

Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series
Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series
Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series
Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series
Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series
Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series

Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series
Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series

Artist: Shawn Coss of Any Means Necessary Clothing

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