Crash Candy Cosplay did this awesome Mind Flayer from Dungeons & Dragons cosplay, complete with a sexy Mind Flayer shot (LOL)! Here’s what she had to say about it:
“Finally, proper pictures of my Mind Flayer!! Now don’t get me wrong the Illithids genuinely freak me out, but they also fascinate me- the fact they become genderless regardless of the host body, and that some of them can be neutral or even good-aligned!
I remember being so intrigued by the character Omeluum in the Baldur’s Gate 3 alpha, who is an ex-motherbrain individual who decided to use their wealth of knowledge to become a mage and discover a way to live without eating brains! So when I got this prosthetic I kinda wanted to attempt a similar character, a mage that retains a sense of humanity and trace bits of their feminine host, but otherwise recognizes the freaky beastie they are! I feel like I need to give them a name now. Anyway!!! ELDRITCH MAGICKS BE UPON YE”

Cosplayer: Crash Candy Cosplay