Modern vs Classic Writing Advice

This is an amusing and accurate post about modern vs classic writing advice. It seems literature has changed quite a bit over the years, lol:

Modern vs Classic Writing Advice

And this is exactly why it’s important to read in lots of different eras. That way you can see what does and doesn’t work and be able to make your own informed choices about how to write!


1 thought on “Modern vs Classic Writing Advice

  1. …This post is itself a story. Told from the end to the beginning. Once upon a time there was ancient writing, and it progressed into the modern day.
    A guy f***ed up 20 times in a row and learned a lesson from it. The worst character you ever met made you realize at the end that you were rooting for them from the beginning. The reader, seeing through the eyes of the everyman, could really relate to his life, having never lived it. And the lesson learned sent the character into his next adventure, having brought him closer to where he was supposed to go.
    Maybe the modern writing makes things more obvious, but the story doesn’t change. The end.

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