Sophie Cosplay looks stunning cosplaying as young Moira O’Hara from the anthology horror series American Horror Story! Moira is the housekeeper of the “Murder House”, and has been there for the stay of many families. In this photoshoot Sophie is cosplaying her “sexy” form, which is the way she appears to people who sexually objectify women. She appears (often to men) as a hyper-sexual young woman in a short skirt and stockings. According to Moira, this is because women’s intuition gives them insight on the true nature of people, whereas men see only what they desire. However, if the man can resist the compulsion to see her as a sexual object, they too will see her as who she “really is”.
Moira O’Hara Cosplayer: Sophie Cosplay
Photographer: Nick Zharov
(via: Geek Girls)