“Money can’t buy happiness” is really only something people with money say, lol. Now before you freak out, obviously money can’t actually buy happiness in all cases. Money isn’t going to cure mental illness or disease, etc, BUT it will certainly make these hardships manageable, when they may be completely impossible to live with for poor people. And of course just having enough money to be able to not worry about it would be a huge deal for most people. At this point the phrase is just said as another way to keep the lower classes down.

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If I recall correctly, the phrase was originated or at least said about Howard Hughes, who was in a position to know. Gertrude Stein famously rebutted the notion by saying if you couldn’t, you didn’t know where to shop.
Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can buy security and peace of mind, which puts you in a far better position to pursue happiness.
Security and peace of mind IS happiness. Take it from one who’s had to go without from time to time.
Money can’t buy happiness but it can deal with some causes of unhappiness