This is a great story in response to the question, “What has been your worst “nice guy” experience”? “Nice guy” does not of course actually refer to a guy who is nice, they’re actually entitled douches. Anyway, this is the story of a date gone horribly wrong:
Source: Tale from Reddit
ACAB. But sometimes you need a bastard on your side 🙂
Can you be more rigid in your thinking?
H. L. Mencken: “every decent man has at one time or another had the urge to roll up his sleeves and start slitting throats”.
Some cops are good guys but they’re still bastards.
Why? Because they participate in a system full of bad cops; if the “good cops” were doing their jobs there would *be* no bad cops because they’d all be off the force and possibly in jail… and yet when something happens cops close ranks. Where are the “good cops” then? Shoulder to shoulder with the bad ones, that’s where.
The side of good tries to be reasonable, tries to be accepting; but that gives evil more room to operate (and expand!) before it becomes so obvious that stomping it down is clearly ethical. The good side *does* need someone who can exert power, even up (down?) to the “Dirty Harry” level, when stomping becomes necessary; OTOH human nature is well-known to include “power corrupts”, and those who have been granted license to exert power have been known to abuse it. How do we raise people to find that balance point? How to we teach young men especially to use their power for good while constantly being aware of the line(s) to stay on the good side? (And infinitely more complex: How could we help our society avoid developing slimy people like the antagonist in the first place?)