SO. MUCH. CRINGE. Women have all experienced at least some level of this ridiculousness from “men”. These examples are from the treasure trove of toxic entitlement r/niceguys. The subreddit is place to post self proclaimed “nice guys” who are actually manchildren or douches, who mistake being spineless and pathetic for being “nice”. There is so much facepalm in these posts:
This isn’t how being a “nice guy” works:

This guy is a hero, it’s the comment below that is top tier cringe:

Please, please go your own way and leave women alone:

This isn’t being a “gentleman”:

Apparently any man who has tattoos is a abuser…?

Oh look, a “nice guy” blaming women for being stalked and abused:

When the “nice guy” describes women as “you females”:

How dare women find men attractive:

F*ck you:

Hey, gorgeous!

“I’m a nice guy”:

It’s women’s fault men hate them:

He blew his shot:

“I am the most respectable gentleman you f*cking r*tard”:

And lastly, Boss Bitches are evil and destroying human civilization:

Source: r/niceguys
(via: Geek Girls)
This article is designed to justify women being jerks to guys who aren’t being jerks. I’ve seen another version, probably with the same stories or close variations, as a top headline on Yahoo for a couple of days. With a war on, Yahoo’s getting more women who want pretexts for being jerks to guys than people of both sexes concerned about the annihilation of Ukraine.
Imagine being exactly the type of person this post is making fun of, and not realising it…
Although he does make a goof point about nobody seeming to care about the imminent destruction of civilization, he is definitely a fool for commenting as such!!! You sure got him, presumably.
Women who friendzone men are worse than men who don’t want to go out with women because they are fat or not attractive. They make the conscious decision to not even try to date “nice guys” so of course they feel bitter and become toxic. Men will at least try to date outside their comfort zone.
Women who are rejected turn to food and/or cats as an outlet. Men only have porn and video games. Some out of frustration have even taken to try homosexual contacts. Its like the beautiful people are all dancing and the rest sit on the side and just hope someone will ask them. Men have to go with the fear and humiliation of rejection over and over while women can’t be bothered to ask a guy out. Its sad really because it means almost EVERYONE loses out trying to find a meaningful relationship. Women may ultimately doom the entire social network. If men ever lost their sex drive women would be in a world of hurt. Get ready to be alone and have to do everything yourself without a guy to rescue you.
Yep, you are one of those toxic guys this is talking about. Maybe if you weren’t so toxic towards women you’d be in a relationship. If you do have a relationship she is probably someone with low self-esteem who just thinks she can’t do better. How about be kind instead of an insecure mess who verbally attacks and disrespects others then you’ll deserve someone. Women can be toxic and abusive too not just men but I’d never judge the actions of one man or woman to reflect on all other men and women even if you’ve had multiple women treat you that way. Women and men are not that different than eachother, we aren’t some alien species.
Plenty of men and women are shallow but being attracted to someone is important. Many people don’t view fat as being ugly although some people do, unfortunately society does push that idea. My husband is fat but I find him to be very attractive, he’s 350 lbs and 6″2′. Everyone should be with someone who they find attractive and who respects and loves them. But until you can respect women you won’t deserve to be in a relationship with one. Hopefully you change some day because I’d love for you to be happy. All people deserve to be happy but sadly many people sabotage their chances at happiness.
You’re right in that most women don’t want the “nice guy” – most women want a good man. Even if you are the former (which from your comments I doubt), you are definitely not the latter if you think that wanting friendship is somehow worse than not wanting to be around someone at all.
I can see how you find it easy to simply judge me and think I’m one of those controlling a**holes who cannot appreciate people for who they are. However in this case you would be wrong. I sacrifice my time, money and energy for others in a number of ways including volunteer work. I am kind to people and animals and I am not violent, have no tattoos or police record and never used drugs. All I ever wanted was for someone to put a little back into a relationship. I don’t mind covering more than my half of the bridge, but when you are 80% there and getting nothing back you realize they are only taking advantage of you. This is what I am talking about. They only do a few things to make you think you have a relationship but in actuality I am just a wallet. Many many times it has been a one way street and it is so distressing that you want to just give up dating altogether. If this is what you mean by toxic then o.k. It just seems women use this as a tool to get away with using men. I do not look down on or verbally attack people in my life. Its just that after all the abuse and neglect and everything I finally voice what has been in my heart and it makes ME look like the bad guy. But thanks for judging me without knowing anything about me. I’m sure it makes you feel morally superior.
What the hell is wrong with tattoos you goose? And drugs aren’t inherently bad. A police record is someone’s past. People can be rehabilitated.
All of the ‘Nice Guys’ coming in and aggressively explaining that this post they felt attacked them doesn’t represent them in some way, and if that isn’t an early Christmas miracle I don’t know what it.
Same here
So women aren’t allowed to generalize all men when they’ve had bad experiences, but men are allowed to generalize all women from their bad experiences. Got it. Sure your a “nice guy.”