thedungeonguy (aka fuckyeahdnd) created this awesome Nifty the Goblin pixel art that is the opposite of an NFT. If you don’t know, an “NFT” (non-fungible token) is a unit of data stored on a blockchain (the digital ledger that cryptocurrency runs on) that can be sold and traded. Common types of NFT data units are digital files such as photos, videos, and audio. So basically people are selling .gifs or pixel art avatars on the blockchain for sometimes millions of dollars. Yea, it’s dumb and makes no sense, but here we are. So that’s why this cute anti-NFT pixel art goblin is so great! Meet Nifty the Goblin:

Source: thedungeonguy (aka fuckyeahdnd)
(via: Just Sock Thoughts)
Do you think NFTs are dumb or do you like them? Let us know in the comments below!