No Help From Pro-Lifers

Bang2write tweeted this insightful thread about her personal experiences with having a baby as a teenager and receiving no help from the pro-lifers who encouraged her to do so. In fact it was the complete opposite. Pro-lifers stood by jeering and offered nothing. More posts on this topic here.

No Help From Pro-Lifers
No Help From Pro-Lifers

No Help From Pro-Lifers
No Help From Pro-Lifers

Source: Bang2write

(via: Gina Christine Kernen)

3 thoughts on “No Help From Pro-Lifers

  1. Let’s call it what it is. They’re not even interested in *controlling* women because as we’ve seen, women who do exactly as these people want still get stigmatised, shamed and forced into poverty. Were it about control such women would be rewarded or at least spared the “stick” they get anyway. It’s about being horrible to women for being women. It’s misogyny.

  2. Okay. If I need to take destitute women into my house in order to have pro-life opinions, which makes absolutely zero logical sense by the way, then pro-immigrant people have to take illegal immigrants into their home to help solve THAT crisis. Put up or shut up.

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