No Help From Pro-Lifers

Bang2write tweeted this insightful thread about her personal experiences with having a baby as a teenager and receiving no help from the pro-lifers who encouraged her to do so. In fact it was the complete opposite. Pro-lifers stood by jeering and offered nothing. More posts on this topic here.

No Help From Pro-Lifers
No Help From Pro-Lifers

No Help From Pro-Lifers
No Help From Pro-Lifers

Source: Bang2write

(via: Gina Christine Kernen)

9 thoughts on “No Help From Pro-Lifers

  1. Let’s call it what it is. They’re not even interested in *controlling* women because as we’ve seen, women who do exactly as these people want still get stigmatised, shamed and forced into poverty. Were it about control such women would be rewarded or at least spared the “stick” they get anyway. It’s about being horrible to women for being women. It’s misogyny.

  2. Okay. If I need to take destitute women into my house in order to have pro-life opinions, which makes absolutely zero logical sense by the way, then pro-immigrant people have to take illegal immigrants into their home to help solve THAT crisis. Put up or shut up.

    1. You don’t have to take anyone into your household to support single moms in poverty. You can support policies that provide them the financial support they need to keep their children sufficiently fed and housed, and to get the education and job training they need to become financially independent. If you were truly pro-life and cared about kids at all, you would not be in favor of children starving.

    2. CounterPoint’s comparison makes no sense. Forcing women to create dependents and failing to help them do so is nothing like allowing independent adults to choose where they live and work. The only “crisis” at the border is that a bunch of nosy Karens are trying to keep people out.

      Both issues DO have the same solution, though: just stop trying to control other people.

    3. If you’re pro-life, you should be pro state funded delivery of children, if you’re pro-life, you should be pro full paid maternity leave, if you’re pro-life you should be pro every damn initiative that gives these kids, who didn’t ask to be born (none of us did) every chance at having a good and fulfilling life.

      You don’t have to take in the destitute, you don’t have to fund-raise or donate. But if you think you’re opinion is just about what is in the womb, and it ends there, then you really need to take a look at yourself.

    4. So you choose the most extreme example of a method of help suggested, claim it as the default for all issues, and then put it on another group to engage in that most extreme help method or else accept that they’re hypocrites. That has to be one of the oldest and most disingenuous deflection techniques in human history – and the fact that you resort to it only underscores how utterly self-righteous you choose to be.

      The person writing here suggested many options of ways to help – such as donating to homeless women shelters or refuges. You ignored them all. And you did so because you don’;t want to accept that it is in fact YOU who needs to put up or shut up.

      If it’s really about being pro-life, then you need to show that you are in fact pro-life – not just pro-childbirth regardless of circumstances. You need to show that you’re willing to step up and support children beyond the point of birth, and support the women who have borne them likewise.

      If you can’t do that in one way, then do it in another by not verbally beating up on the women caught in an unhappy situation – women whose circumstances you clearly don’t understand, and also clearly feel no empathy or even basic sympathy for.

      If you WON’T do it, and continue to insist on a lack of empathy or sympathy towards both such mothers and their children… then that says all anyone will ever need to know about your character.

    5. First point: There were multiple ways to help listed, but you jumped immediately to the most difficult and invasive one to what (you thought) made your point. Ignorant.

      Second point: If you also claim those other ways of helping are “too much,” then you absolutely are not PRO-LIFE. FULL STOP. Because you are doing NOTHING to help these babies you insisted be born to actually live. Most pro-life people I know fall into this category.

      Third point: I am very much pro-immigrant. And I DO help. I work with undocumented students and legal students of undocumented parents every day to try to find avenues for higher education and ways to pay for it.

      I don’t do this because I’m a teacher and am forced to educate everyone. (I’m not.) I do this because I AM PRO-IMMIGRANT and want to make a difference in a cause I claim to support.

      It’s the same reason I buy school supplies, food, clothes, etc. for immigrant families. Hell, I even gave one family a refrigerator.

      And THAT is how you know I’m pro-immigrant. Not because I sit around sharing memes on Facebook.

      And maybe I’m just really lucky to know great people. But most pro-immigrant people I know behave similarly. And that’s the difference.

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