No One Ever Cared About Participation Trophies

LOL! As a geriatric millennial I can attest to this, literally no one cared about those stupid participation trophies you gave us. This post is a truth bomb, but it should be a super obvious one. I have no idea where boomers got the idea that we gave the smallest of f*cks about those ribbons. And I did throw mine out.

No One Ever Cared About Participation Trophies
No One Ever Cared About Participation Trophies

No One Ever Cared About Participation Trophies

(via: Geek Girls)

Did you ever get participation trophies? If there anyone out there who cared about them? Anyone? Let us know in the comments below!

9 thoughts on “No One Ever Cared About Participation Trophies

    1. As a 39 year old millennial, that is just as stupid as boomers pushing trophies on their kids and then blaming them for it.

      I can honestly say that my children will have the sense not to care who uses what bathroom (🏳️‍🌈) as well as the ability to do a basic amount of research on the media farce that was the “tide pod challenge”.

      Get back in the corner with your popcorn and idiocy.

    2. Hey remember when Gen X got the slightest bit of pushback from Boomers and then gave the fuck up and decided to stand in the corner like ineffectual Daria’s for the rest of their lives because their worthless generation couldn’t figure out how to fight back?

      Yeah, good times.

      Literally no one cares what you think, Xer, and you did it to yourselves while lying to yourselves about how clever and above it all you were.

      Boomers played you like chumps.

      1. These useless kind of ‘trophies’ are part of the reason why Gen-X generally gave up on accepting anything advertised to them as being ‘good’.

      2. We literally organised the biggest anti-war protests in history and got roundly ignored. Or rather we got beaten bloody, many of us imprisoned, and we were ignored. We protested against the G8, again, beaten bloody & ignored. You’ll see. There’s no democracy any more, precious little class mobility. If you weren’t born rich chances are you’re not going to get rich, and you sure as sh!t aren’t getting anywhere in politics without huge lobbies behind you. You gotta be part of the system before they’ll let you speak. The boomers found the holes in the system with Vietnam, and promptly patched them so nobody could repeat their success.

    3. Speaking as an X, this X doesn’t speak for me. Real X’s know this Boomer vs Millennial bullshit was foisted on both of you by a ridiculous media who were looking for something to infuriate people in the 24hours news cycle, anyway.

      And both of you idiots fell for it.

      Not that anyone notices us enough to listen. 😉

      [PS Anyone who says they’re Gen X and says anything about caring bathrooms is not Gen X. Our gen were into the gender benders. Bowie, Boy George. Just ignore them. If they get infuriated about being ignored, they’re actually boomers. 😉 ]

    4. Oh wow. Classic boomer take from a gen-Xer who sounds like a 12yo 4channer.

  1. There’s no such thing as a “geriatric millennial” – the oldest ‘millennials’ are 41 years old, and won’t be geriatric for another 24 years.

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