This is a heartbreaking response to the writing prompt: “Couples receive “parent points”, which they can use to purchase their children. Most parents wait for a few thousand, but you chose to buy the cheaper, 100 point child.” But it has a nice twist ending that you might not expect:
Source: caffeinewitchcraft
(via: r/tumblr)
Wow. I would class this with some of the best short stories I remember from Analog. Well-written.
Would love to read a follow-up story from the kids’ point of view.
In which the kids develop at different rates. Some of them flourish like their dad did, once he just believes in them. Some never grow out of being 100-point kids, even as adults. The story is from the perspective of the highest and lowest achievers, plus three or four in between.
I think I might take this up
can’t like this enough