People Saying Regular Everyday Stuff is Gay

*Facepalm* These people are saying that completely normal, everyday stuff that most people do on a regular basis is “gay” or “female”. Like ok, but seriously… um wtf? How are these people this insecure?

People Saying Regular Everyday Stuff is Gay

(via: Geek Girls)

Men out there reading this, please, please don’t listen to these idiots. Order dessert if you want! Take as many naps as you want! Get that Amazon subscription if you want! Use that iPhone if you want! Be gay! Be straight! You do you. Do whatever you want, be yourself and don’t worry about ridiculous assholes like this judging you.

(This site is LGBTQ+ friendly and we will not tolerate any bigotry or hate speech in the comments below.)

3 thoughts on “People Saying Regular Everyday Stuff is Gay

  1. I’m more concerned about the very first bit at the top where someone is consulting ancient texts. From what I’ve seen, that text is usually a bible of some sort, and it ends up being being used to justify homophobia, misogyny, genocide, or some bizarre anti-science point of view. I prefer consulting more modern texts, written when we actually knew stuff.

  2. Interesting that 3/4 of those appear to be from women.
    Does that mean that instead of being a result of male insecurity, that it is women who are demanding that men fit into prescribed roles and behaviors?

  3. Cis, straight man here, had a strawberry daiquiri to celebrate a grad degree. Probably counts as a dessert. If a date wants to draw conclusions based on that, I’m glad to fail the filter.

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