LOL! The question “What’s the dumbest sh*t you ever did as a kid?” got this hilarious thread started on twitter. Lots of people shared their dumbest childhood memories and their stories are very amusing:

Source: MotherOfDoggons
(via: Geek Girls)
So what’s the dumbest thing you ever did as a kid? Let us know in the comments below!
Oh so many choices…
1) At about 3-4, my mother allowed me to go to the Men’s Room by myself in restaurants. Once I went several times in one meal, and my mother asked if there was something wrong. I happily said that I was going so much because there was a fountain in the bathroom that was just the right height for me to drink from….
2) At about 6, my best friend and I discovered his mother’s box of tampons and applicator. We spent the afternoon on the front balcony of his house “shooting” tampons at people walking by on the sidewalk.
3) Around 7, an older friend and I discovered that if you soak tennis balls in gasoline and launch them past an open flame they make fireballs that look REALLY COOL. Then we discovered that the fireballs could set a large hedge on fire. Not so cool when the fire department arrived.
4) At 11, my parents had a Halloween party where they put dry ice in water inside the pumpkins on the front porch. The next day we had dry ice left over, so I decided to do science. I stuffed a 1L plastic Coke bottle with dry ice, added water and closed the lid to see how long it would take to explode. Being safe, I put the bottle out in the hammock and went into the garage behind a cinderblock wall. And nothing happened. ….. I became concerned that my mother would come home and discover the science experiment, so I went over to the freezing cold, rock hard bottle. I didn’t want it to explode in my hand, so I loosened the top – which caused the bottle to explode/shoot like a rocket toward the driveway. I ran inside in case any neighbor came to investigate the explosion. Then I noticed my leg hurt. A fragment of plastic had cut through my jeans and sliced up my shin creating a semi-circular flap of skin about 1.5″ long.
I cleaned up the blood. Performed first aid and wrapped up the injury. Since it was November, I wore long pants for the next couple of months until it was healed enough that I could claim it was a more recent, minor injury. I did not tell my parents about this event for over 20 years. 45 years later there is still a pretty significant scar on my shin.