This post is from an independent contractor about the company he’s currently contracted for trying to force him to come to pointless monthly meetings. They were not offering to pay him for his time, instead the only compensation would be half a Subway sandwich. This is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. Stuff like this is why we are seeing people “quiet quitting” and living through “The Great Resignation”. It’s not because “Nobody Wants To Work Anymore“, lol. Here is the text message exchange:
(via: Bored Panda)
Would you go to the meeting? Let us know in the comments below!
No. He wants this contractor to be an employee without offering benefits and reimbursement. If the contractor’s working another job then he has no reason to make a 60 mile drive to attend a corporate meeting. They’re not corporate.
As an employee, you have deeper obligations to your employer much deeper than an independent contractor to the “contractee.” The operative word is independent. Generally, if you hire a contractor, you give them a task and it is up to them what supplies, tools, and methods are used to complete it. They provide the time frame and the amount you have to pay. When you hire an employee, you are required to provide the supplies and tolls. But you also get to determine how the work is done, when the work is done, and when the work is completed. The line isn’t black and white, but the more the contractee pushes for more control over the independent contractor, the more the contactor has a labor suit over denied benefits and the employer failing their tax obligations. (Not legal advice, consult the laws in your state, this is general practice though.)
That said, if the contractor happens to be around during that meeting, it would be in their best interest to attend.