Meowpurrnom made these epic Pokémon Eeveelution inspired cocktails! These are just general guidelines and you can read more about them here. Below are the general recipes for these yummy Pokémon drinks:

Eevee: 3/4oz cake vodka, 3/4oz Kahlua, 3/4 of a chocolate eclair ice cream bar, 2 oz chocolate syrup. For the white part at the bottom, 3/4 oz Bailey’s and cream for the rest (however much you decide to use). Top with whipped cream.
Vaporeon: 1/4oz rum, 3/4oz Malibu, 3/4oz blue curacao, 1oz pineapple juice, 2oz sprite. For the darker blue up top, I used just blue curacao, though this one came out a little stronger than I would have liked, so I’m probably going to mix it with Sprite or something the next time I make one (making drinks perfect in both taste and color is hard, I’ve found ;~;).
Jolteon: Salt the rim of the glass. 1.5oz gold tequila, 2oz red bull, 2oz margarita mix, 1oz lemon juice, 1oz sprite. The white part at the top is equal parts lemon juice and sprite.
Flareon: 1.25oz fireball whiskey, 3/4oz peach schnapps, 2oz iced tea, 2oz lemonade. The yellow band in the middle is equal parts lemonade and orange juice.
Espeon: 3/4oz strawberry vodka, 3/4oz Hpnotiq Harmonie, 3/4oz Chambord, 1oz cranberry juice, 2oz sprite. Add a maraschino cherry upside-down for garnish.
Umbreon: 1.25-1.5oz bourbon, 3oz coke, 1oz lemon juice, 2oz orange juice. The yellow band is equal parts lemonade and orange juice.
Glaceon: Sugar the rim of the glass. 3/4oz rum, 3/4oz blue curacao, 3/4-1 oz peppermint schnapps, 3oz lemonade, 2oz soda water, top with plain shaved ice. For the darker part at the bottom, I used pure blue curacao, but, just like with Vaporeon, this came out stronger than I would have liked, so you might want to try mixing it with something.
Leafeon: Okay, I just want to note that the random chocolate syrup and honey layered at the bottom was really just me screwing around. All it really did was make it hard to clean up. (I was trying to go for that brown-to-yellow pattern in Leafeon’s legs, but I didn’t think it through.) I would suggest you either skip those steps completely or drizzle honey inside the glass before pouring for decoration. The drink is 1oz tequila, 1oz peach schnapps, 1oz lime juice, 2oz ginger ale, 2 pinches of crushed mint leaves. Top with a small pinch of crushed mint.
Sylveon: 1/2-3/4oz cake vodka, 1/2-3/4oz strawberry vodka, 1/2-3/4 of a strawberry eclair ice cream bar, 1oz cream, 1oz strawberry syrup. The white part in the middle is 3/4oz Bailey’s and the rest is cream. Top with whipped cream.
Source: Meowpurrnom