Gabbie Walkingbull posted this adorable little story about her stick collecting habit and her ex boyfriend vs current boyfriend’s reaction to it. The moral of the story is don’t settle for someone who thinks your quirk is a nuisance. Find someone who will help you find pretty sticks.

She also wanted to clarify some things about this post:
And I’m not calling out my ex or anything.
He’s a good dude, it’s just weird how in hindsight you realize how not so compatible you are with someone.
We were together for almost 8 years and I had settled my happiness without realizing it!…
Just never be scared to take another look at yourself and your significant others relationship.
Y’all both deserve happiness!
I didn’t comprehend this would ever blow up so heavy but to clear up some stuff!
+ I use to collect sticks as a kid because I was always looking for the perfect stick for a wand or staff. I think I still collect them because I love crafts… And also I just love sticks!
+ My boyfriend Brandon Freeman got the stick tattoo with his sister years before he met me! (again *insert xfiles theme*)
They got matching sibling tattoos of sticks because she would beat him up with sticks when they were kids! “
Source: Gabbie Walkingbull
Also a cute update – these tweets are from a few years ago and they are married now! Congrats!