This is an interesting story about a professor who catches cheaters posted on reddit to r/ProRevenge. The subreddit is for posting stories about getting back at someone with pro revenge after being wronged! This might make you think twice before you try to cheat on an exam:

Here are the edits/updates they posted on reddit:
Edit: I forgot to mention he gave full credit on part b of the question to everyone else.
Edit 2: Hi guys I’m writing this 5 months after the initial post. I’m glad this post is getting attention again and I’m once again receiving messages from people wanting to get in touch with the professor or students from the class, so now that this post has run its initial course, I’ll burst everyone’s bubble by admitting that I mostly made this story up. It’s based on a real incident that happened in my department a couple years ago, but I wasn’t in the class personally, I only heard about it third-hand from someone I didn’t know that well.
So while the general plot and end result of the story is true, I changed some details to keep the professor and school anonymous, and took creative liberty in writing it from a first person viewpoint. Unfortunately the part about my department letting students go to the bathroom during exams with their phones was true, and is still true to this day, and to my knowledge the incident this is based on is the only time that a professor actually took a stand against this shitty policy.
So yeah I don’t know the professor personally since the class he taught is not part of my program’s curriculum, so I won’t put anyone in touch with him or anyone else who knows about the real incident and could expose his identity.
Before anyone reports this for being fake, I will once again stress that while I changed the details, the actual events played out in a similar way and the real professor did in fact get his revenge on the cheaters.
Source: r/ProRevenge
(via: Cheezburger)