The Golden Girls is a national treasure and the tv show had so many quotes just full of wisdom. Here are a few progressive quotes from them that were ahead of their time:

Here are some of the best clips:
The show tackled the stigma surrounding the AIDS epidemic and worked to counteract the myth that it was a “gay disease” or a “punishment” for bad people:
Sophia perfectly explains marriage equality to Blanche, who is upset about her brother getting married to a man:
Did you watch The Golden Girls? Post your fav Golden Girls quotes in the comments below!
Sophia’s end all debate on gay marriage line is still uploft7ng and stone cold matter of fact perfection today as it was in 91! Those womrn fought hard with the studio/network to be allowed to push on so msny important issues from interracial marriages, to age differences in dating to deportation, AIDs and Gay rights before these issued got any real public attention. I’m also Aware Bea Arthur fought very hard along wirh Betty White to get the pro gay messages aired. they actually threatened to quit if netwirk didn’t run the gay coming out brother episode which got them a huge support from all of us lgbtq people who still hid in the dark back then suddenly it gave us all a certain public hope we’d lacked as a community. If Rue, Betty, Bea and Estelle had our backs we finally felt more confident openly fighting for our rights in greater number’s. Those 4 women saying this on nationsl TV inspired so many queer people of all ages to stop hiding or being ashamed. They are heroes for taking this stance like they did. The truest straight allies we evert had was right there. I was young in 91 but on some level i knew who i was deep down. I remember how that line from Sophia hit me in a way I didn’t fully understand at the time why it felt so important . I was only 6 at the time but somehow it had an effect on me. looking back id say even though i had no clue why yet I felt a feeling of freedom and empowerment wash over me. its a line ive reused in my days fighting for lgbtq rights many times. Those 4 woman had real courage speaking up for voices that had no mainstream media voice speaking for us. That took alot of courage and honor what they did bringing attention to very real issues as a society we tried to bury and ignore back then.