LOL! It’s true if you think about it, public school kids in the Marvel universe, at least the ones who get in trouble, would hate Captain America. This is because of all those PSA videos he recorded that they play to kids in public school, like: “So… you got detention. You screwed up. You know what you did was wrong. The question is, how are you gonna make things right? Maybe you were trying to be cool. But take it from a guy who’s been frozen for 65 years… the only way to really be cool is to follow the rules. We all know what’s right, and we all know what’s wrong. Next time those turkeys try to convince you of something that you know is wrong, just think to yourself, “What would Captain America do?'”

I used to take karate, and my instructor would say things about how AFTER you have the other guy in (insert immobilizing hold here) you have a civil conversation with him about his bad choices. Cap actually did this at least once and I will not be convinced otherwise.
He DID, in fact stop the riots during the bad parts of BLM…by asking them nicely, and pointing out that if they riot, it will make the other people win…
And promptly leading them in a course on how to fight against tactics properly, effectively, with tricks learned from the French Resistance.
Whiteboards were involved.