LOL at this list of random Star Wars story changes between the original trilogy and the prequels! Yea there’s some pretty big plot holes in the Star Wars universe if you think about it. My favorite is how the ending of Rogue One makes the opening scene of Star Wars: A New Hope so funny. Vader literally follows Leia’s ship from Scarif and she’s all like “I’m on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.” But I guess it’s not so much a story change as just Leia being sassy.
Also to be fair, I’m pretty sure C-3PO’s memory was wiped so he probably just forgot that he has made by Anakin and just assumed he was a mass produced protocol droid.

Source: WMS
1) Leia might be unconsciously using Force visions to picture her mother. (This is the only really problematic one, although she does say she remembers just images and feelings)
2) Anakin rebuilt C-3PO from scrap.
3) Midichlorians aren’t the Force. Qui-Gon describes them as a means to ‘listen’ to the Force (Also, they were in George Lucas’ original outline for ANH, so it’s not a change)
4) Was he surprised? He seemed pretty sure when Luke asked him in RotJ, so…
5) Maybe he’s gone beyond needing a lightsaber at that point. Or maybe he thinks a Sith lightsaber is better than a Jedi’s
6) Yoda trained the Younglings in lightsaber combat, and Obi-Wan described Yoda as ‘The Jedi Master who instructed me.’