LOL! This post pokes fun at recipes from all different countries from around the world! It’s a great way to learn about different countries cuisines AND neuroses:

Here are some more recipes from different countries:
Swedish recipes: No spice. Ever. Ok maybe some cinnamon for the cinnamon rolls. But then no spice. Just butter. Take all butter you own, mix it with some flour and milk. Done.
Norwegian recipes: spices do not exist. There is only salt. You either boil it or fry it in butter. Potatoes and carrots with everything.
Indonesian recipes: add some spices, ten litres of coconut milk and COOK THE FUCK OUT OF IT. Also i assure you you’d rather be dead than eating lauk without rice.
Finnish recipes: This food still has color. Boil it more. Maybe soak it in lye. While you wait for the life to bleach out, go stand outside and enjoy today’s two minutes of daylight. If you complain about the cold no one will ever eat your cooking again. Also, re: dessert, everyone likes lard and sugar, just spread it on some bread.
Let us know about recipes from your country in the comments below! Aaaaand now I’m hungry!
Hungarian recipes: if there is no powdered paprika in it, it’s wrong. No, take more paprika, the spicy one. That’s too much – now take some sour cream to balance it. Ah, fuck it: take the whole cup of sour cream.
Scottish dishes: is it a bet? A dare, then?