Rescuing the Princess – Sexism Comic

LOL, awwwwwkward… John McNamee of Pie Comic drew this amusing Princess Rescue comic. It pokes fun at the expected obligations of a princess being rescued by the “valiant” knight who slayed the dragon…

Rescuing the Princess Comic

Artist: John McNamee of Pie Comic

So a bunch of dudes got butthurt by this Princess Rescue comic. Here are just a few of the comments we saw:

“Take the gold, leave the bitch”

“leave her ungrateful ass lol”

“Time to use that raise dead scroll on the dragon and get the heck out of there.”

“Just take the gold and leave her there good sir knight. Whatever reward her father is offering isn’t worth having to listen to that all the way back to the castle.”

“Is it too late to resuscitate the dragon?”

“ungratful bitch, leave her tied up cast a rez on the dragon and go”

And of course people responded:

“Wow so many missing the point of the comic and worse saying to leave her or calling her bitch only because she said no to a complete stranger… Again missing the point <sigh> Whatever happened to doing something good without expecting something in return.”

“It’s fairly interesting how many people are either misunderstanding or ignoring the point of this comic.”

“Yeah….grab on someone when they’re tied up is gonna be a hard no. Just because you took out a dragon/kidnapper doesn’t mean you get sexual attention. Calm your ass all y’all saying the knight shoulda just taken the gold and left the victim to rot just because they didn’t want to be slobbered on. Saving a kidnapped person doesn’t mean ya get any sexual action.”

“The fragile masculinity is showing right here. I wonder if they jack off the police after helping with a mugging or get bent at the dentist for helping with a tooth ache. The hard point to make is a deconstruction of a trope that in the end is setting incorrect expectations. One could argue the whole bunch of nice guys that go around complaining they didn’t get laid because they helped with the groceries is an extrapolation of this attitude. And while it is not a straight line of causation, culture and informal education shape our perceptions even a little bit. So guys, don’t take it so hard.”

And some people just made jokes:

“Anyone else concerned about the slaughter of a perfectly innocent endangered animal that just happens to like gold and talking to Princesses. How do we know it was it that tied her up, hell how does a dragon tie someone up?”

“Wait… I wasn’t supposed to jack off the fire department?!?”

“Sir Gropesalot was out of line, and Princess Nawayeh of Notthavingit put him back in it.”

What do you think? Leave a comment below!

19 thoughts on “Rescuing the Princess – Sexism Comic

  1. It seems to be the trend now that if someone risks their life for you its o.k. to just say thanks. Too many times “nice guys” learn that doing things for someone is worthless. Therefore women are causing many men to be reluctant and even disgusted from a lack of gratitude. Women are rewarding “bad boys” while breaking the hearts of those who are good and noble. You don’t have to carry this to the extreme that men deserve sex for whatever. But once someone gets their feelings hurt enough times they can turn into spiteful monsters. Its just a fact of life. They either swear off women altogether or even turn gay. It may not be the sex they want, but at least its something.

    1. Wow, the ignorance of this on SO many levels…. Women aren’t causing men to be anything. If I help the old man at the grocery store find an item, I don’t expect a sexual favor. NO ONE should expect sexual favors for helping someone. NO ONE turns ‘gay’ either.

      1. “If I help the old man at the grocery store find an item, I don’t expect a sexual favor.”

        Really? I knew something about wasn’t right about that. Next time I ask where the cream corn is, if they want a friendly I’m going straight to the manager.

    2. The fact that you expect a reward for preforming the most basic decency is fucked up. Yeah, it’s good to say thank you, most people do!

      You say “You don’t have to carry this to the extreme that men deserve sex for whatever” but then you imidiately tie it back into sex with “But once someone gets their feelings hurt enough times they can turn into spiteful monsters. Its just a fact of life. They either swear off women altogether or even turn gay. It may not be the sex they want, but at least its something.”

      People are not dumb.

  2. So so many entitled incels,
    who think that a woman’s only worth is the sex you can get out of her,
    and if there is no sex, we’re not worth saving.

    1. Is “incel” the socially progressive version of “cuck”? A more upmarket insult?
      Can I use it against physically unattractive people generally, or just a certain gender and age cohort? I know a girl with Marfan syndrome who’s involuntary celibate due to her looks. Can I call her “incel”?

      1. Being an Incel isn’t really about not being able to find a partner, it’s about how one reacts to it. It refers to a web-community that, while it may have started with a bunch of lonely guys who could not find a partner, has devolved into a misogynistic bunch of asshole.

        As a sidenote, while a lot of incels blame their looks, height, etc. for not being able to find a partner, most of them are not that bad looking. For most if them, their problem is that they are misogynistic assholes who see anything nice or friendly they do for women as transactional with the intent of getting sex. Those type of people are unbearable to be around, so despite some of them looking decent most women chose to avoid them. They also have a tendency to complain when women go for guys that look less traditionally attractive then them, despite that being their alleged reason that women don’t like them.

        Incels also generally don’t realize that being “nice” isn’t something you get a reward for: it’s how people should just behave. Besides having a grating personality, the “nice guy” incels also generally don’t realize that they are not that nice (you are not a nice guy if you expect a reward for being nice) and that being nice, while important, isn’t enough; Most people date someone who they share hobbies with, someone who is interesting to them. They’d need to be nice AND have some hobbies or interest in common with people, and I am fairly sure few women share their apparent primary interest of “sitting on a webforum full of misogynists”.

        Here is an example of what’s not an incel: If someone just can’t find a partner and is just like “ok, well that sucks but I guess that’s life” people aren’t going to call them an incel.

  3. No one said that was her only worth, just a very big part of it. Let’s face it. If men had no sexual desire women would be in a lot of trouble. The fact is you rely on men needing sex to get them to marry you. If sex was not involved then (1) you would just have a male roommate that would expect the same from you as they would any male roommate. And (2) believe it or not sex is an emotional part of being a guy. Why do you think men fight over and even kill for a woman. It is one of our most basic needs after food and shelter and it has been that way for thousands of years. Only now in the last 200 have men been starting to be “domesticated” by trying to suppress this urge that is part of our natural evolution. And (3) women are just as bad by not even considering most men who do not have a quality job. So in effect, you treat us as walking wallets you can take advantage of. So women are not as socially evolved and superior as you may think.

    1. Sounds like you’ve been around shitty women. NO, women would not be in ‘a lot of trouble’ if men didn’t have sexual desires. If you look at history, women haven’t been allowed to inherit money, vote, have jobs, etc – caused by patriarchy. Plus if a woman actually wanted sex – egads, she was a slut or had some type of brain disorder, let’s remove her uterus! This comic isn’t stating women are superior. It’s stating that helping a women doesn’t equal sexual favors. I work more than my husband and make more than my husband, doesn’t mean he’s less of a man. NO ONE is stating men can’t be sexual. It’s the TAKING or EXPECTING of sexual deeds that needs a twist.

  4. (Lois as Princess Leia): “Aren’t you a little fat to be a stormtrooper?”

    (Chris as Luke Skywalker): “Well, stay here and rot, you stuck-up bitch!”

    ~ Family Guy, “Blue Harvest”, 2007

  5. “Christ, this other King just sends them down the newsagents to get him twenty Rothmans. Wish I’d asked his daughter’s hand in marriage now!”

  6. Chivalry and kindness are not dead … It’s just that too many folk (past and present) are too obsessed with the idea that they ‘deserve’ what they want.

    Actually-good people don’t hold a door open because they think they deserve a “thank you”, a smile, or even recognition — good people hold it open because it’s a kindness, and the proper thing to do in certain situations. ‘Incels’ never were ‘good guys’ because they expect rewards for their actions, and Karma never worked that way either. The idea is : Be kind to inspire kindness in others.

    As for the idea that “The fact is you rely on men needing sex to get them to marry you.” — that’s quite false. Marriage is NOT supposed to be done for just sex. Many ‘sexless’ marriages are/were very successful because they were loving and respectful.

    The desire for sex is an instinctive drive, and NOT “an emotional part of being a guy.” — We all (men & women) have many instincts that we learn to accept, manage, and (if necessary) suppress … It’s called GROWING UP.

    If you’re a person who wonders why you can’t ‘get any’, maybe it’s because you have a really skewed point of view, and you’re pretty much a jerk.

  7. Have those people making derogatory comments about Icels and “Nice Guys” considered the context? Think back to the stories we all read growing up, the films we see &c. Every fricken time the princess gets saved from a monster (or monstrous person) her rescuer gets the old hand in marriage reward. Two exceptions come to mind “Shrek” and the Terry Pratchett book “Guards, Guards”, both of which consciously subvert the trope and Shrek does get to marry the princess. Even in the gender swapped retelling of fairy tales that were published in the late 1970s and early 1980s by Radical Feminist publishers (and quickly republished by more mainstream publishers who saw a way to make money) continued the trope, just this time it was the princess who rescued the feckless prince. Heck, crack open a mass market romance novel and you’ll see the same trope repeated but now he’s a wealthy businessman rescuing an impoverished but plucky woman from financial ruin or a highlander/regency rake rescuing a lady of minor or no family from an arranged marriage. And don’t get me started on dark romance…

    The knight thinks he’s going to get with the princess because every story he’s heard from when he was in his crib has told him that’s the deal. It’s not even a conscious thought, it’s embedded in his subconscious along with water is we and if you don’t stop picking it then it’ll never get better.

    If you want to change the thought processes then change the stories you tell the kids, write the stories if you have to. Also, don’t get mad when some buys your son a pink unicorn for Christmas.

  8. First, I’d totally go for the zombie dragon, if forced to choose. I mean… zombie dragon. I assume it listens to me, of course.

    Second, unsurprisingly a TON of insecure incell morons in the comments. And this AFTER the bottom of the… call it an article? Whatever, either way total losers.

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