Responses to Wrestler Who Brags “I Don’t Play Dungeons & Dragons”

LOL! Professional wrestler and heel Maxwell Jacob Friedman bragged on twitter that he doesn’t play Dungeons & Dragons, as if that’s some kind of insult. But the responses from actor Joe Manganiello and other D&D players are great! He was obviously looking for a rise out of people, but it’s still awesome to see people standing up for the beloved tabletop game! Matt Mercer, the famous Dungeon Master from Critical Role, is true to form and offers some kind advice: ❤️

Responses to Wrestler Who Brags I Dont Play Dungeons & Dragons
Responses to Wrestler Who Brags I Dont Play Dungeons & Dragons

Responses to Wrestler Who Brags I Dont Play Dungeons & Dragons
Responses to Wrestler Who Brags I Dont Play Dungeons & Dragons

(via: Geek Girls)

I wish Vin Diesel had got in on this action because he plays D&D too! Do you play Dungeons & Dragons? Let us know in the comments below!

14 thoughts on “Responses to Wrestler Who Brags “I Don’t Play Dungeons & Dragons”

    1. someone turned him into a D&D monster he was PISSED Brandon Cutler used the statblock to run a D&D game on Geek and Sundry then he whipped his ass in the ring

  1. Anyone else concerned about the OP adding “tm” to his twitter handle? I’m all for guarding trademarks, but if that’s your real name… WTF???

  2. Just a few notes. (a) Brandon Cutler @BranCutler is also a pro wrestler and makes his love of D&D a part of his character. He wears a dragon mask to the ring. This was a few days before Culter & MJF had a match, thus triggering MJF’s comments.

    (b) Everyone’s responses are exactly what MJF intended and more.

    (c) OP’s name and initial, MJF is his ‘ring name’. It’s very similar to his real name, but his real middle name is Tyler. I’ll leave it to you to figure out why he might have adopted a different middle name. But he can trademark the ring name, and has done so.

    (d) this was all like 3 years ago.

  3. I have played D&D in the past but then moved on to better, more narrative games like Fate, Freeform Universal, and others. When I do get a nostalgia-driven urge to play D&D, I play something like ICRPG, or Old School Essentials, because I prefer the more “classic” style of D&D to the current “fantasy superhero” style that modern D&D goes for.

    RPGs can be great, matching or surpassing anything on TV or in theaters, because of the social aspect of it and the way you as a player are part of the story.

  4. i play D&D!
    i have nothing else to my name
    unless you count the fact that i can rap all of guns and ships
    yes, even the fast part. especially the fast part

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