LOL! fuckboyzuko posted this fun story about being a benevolent, Safe Sex Condom Fairy when they were in high school…

Source: fuckboyzuko
Internet & Geek Culture
LOL! fuckboyzuko posted this fun story about being a benevolent, Safe Sex Condom Fairy when they were in high school…
Source: fuckboyzuko
Rebecca R. Helm tweeted this insightful thread about the complications of classifying biological sex and how it's not as black and white as many random people on the internet claim. Of course the people making these claims don't have any actual scientific knowledge on the subject. They are operating on a…
You've probably seen this viral thread by ScienceVet floating around the internet. The thread goes into great detail about how, according to science, biological sex is a spectrum. This is coming from a scientist who specializes in molecular biology, biochemistry, and endocrinology. So for anyone who wants to respond to…
Dr Chelsea Nichols is a curator exploring the strange, dark place between art and curiosities at The Museum of Ridiculously Interesting Things and she posted this engrossing thread about Sex Weasels in renaissance art. Weird stories like this is what makes art history so great: Sexy weasels in Renaissance art link! Source: Dr Chelsea Nichols…
Thanks for my first belly laugh of the day!
I shouldn’t read stuff like this whule watching youtube Resin projects cause it gave me a hilariously terrible idea
I want to hear about this idea.