Samwise, Frodo and Gollum Family Portrait Cosplay

Reddit user villainess (who plays Gollum) shared these cosplay photos on r/lotr with the simple caption “Our latest family portraits”. This is legit the best and more hilarious family portrait I have ever seen. Actually probably just the best The Lord of the Rings cosplay period. The attention to detail here is just perfection. Dad’s hobbit feet, the kid’s little Frodo suit and the star of the show here is mom as Gollum. She absolutely nails it! The bald wig, the eyes and even the teeth. Bravo. Just precious. Also someone left the comment “Smeagol in the streets, Gollum in the sheets.” and I am dying, lol.

You can also follow their family on Instagram as @everlovan!

Bilbo, Frodo and Gollum Family Portrait Cosplay
Bilbo, Frodo and Gollum Family Portrait Cosplay
Bilbo, Frodo and Gollum Family Portrait Cosplay

Source: villainess of @everlovan

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