Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Illustrator Julia Wytrazek drew this really neat series of what the Scooby-Doo gang would’ve look like throughout the decades of the 20th century! Here’s what she had to say about it:

“In this project I explored the fashions of the 20th century through the characters from the show Scooby Doo. I thought it was interesting how all he characters got slight tweaks and updates to their designs since 1969, and set out to imagine how they’d look in every decade of the 20th century. All the illustrations merge the original personalities of the characters with appropriate fashion trends, and stick with the familiar colour schemes.”

Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Scooby-Doo Throughout the Decades

Artist: Julia Wytrazek

(via: Geek Girls)

So what’s you fav Scooby-Doo decade? Let us know in the comments below!

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