Sexual harassment against women remains a pervasive and deeply troubling issue that many men don’t understand the prevalence of. The post below delves into that topic by sharing personal stories. Sadly, despite significant strides in promoting gender equality, women continue to face unwarranted advances, offensive comments, and inappropriate behavior that compromise their safety and well-being. This insidious problem transcends geographical, cultural, and economic boundaries, affecting women in workplaces, educational institutions, public spaces, and even within their own homes. The prevalence of sexual harassment underscores the urgent need for continued advocacy, awareness, and comprehensive measures to address the root causes and create an environment where every woman can live free from fear and discrimination.

“Not even when they’re forced to sit in mandatory harassment in the workplace training seminars” — those seminars are a) created by people who don’t understand any more than we do, unless they are created by women; b) not using the sort of data that would drive the point home, even if women are creating them; and c) mandatory, which in workplace training seminars usually translates to “I know this stuff already, so I’ll just sit in the back and think about my pet projects while pasting an attentive stare across my face.”
It does suck that most men don’t understand the prevalence of this (I freely admit I don’t), but I congratulate those who are willing to make it meaningful.