Robot Hugs made this very important comic about sexual harassment against women that everyone should read. This is a very serious topic that people don’t want to hear about, but it is important since women are still faced with these issues on a daily basis. This comic shows the artists opinion on why it keeps happening.
A warning from the artist: “TRIGGER WARNING: This comic discusses harassment, sexism, rape culture, and toxic attitudes towards women and femmefolk. It includes examples of slurs, harassment, and quotes from sexual offenders”. And you can read more about her thoughts and experiences here.

Artist: Robot Hugs
I miss Robot Hugs
Though there are also double standards of the same imposed by equally forceful women in many settings. The worst of both genders is often the only one ever mentioned. It gives all other people in the gender a horrible stigma to overcome just to exist and interact. Of course if anyone reading this disagrees then I challenge them to ask one of the opposite sex if they have ever experienced X situation. They probably have though they might be afraid to talk about it. Don’t just assume only one sex is allowed to be a victim. Suicide rates of men are actually higher than women. Men are told to toughen up. To control their emotions. Not to act out. To BE A MAN. There are plenty of very poorly managed situations perpetrated by both sexes. Be better. Be kind.
Go and talk about that in a space about men being in this situation, then.
This is not that space.
Whataboutism is not helpful. You are part of the problem.
Gatekeeping sexism?