Sexuality in fantasy in obviously more than just heterosexual, just like among all humans and animals that exist. People in this thread respond to the claim that there is very little homosexuality among fantasy races. Maybe my Dungeons & Dragons group is just weird, but most of our characters have not been what you would describe as “straight”. Especially the bards, heh. Anyway here is the claim and the tread responding to it:

(via: Geek Girls)
“Goblins don’t believe in sexuality, they believe in food.” Perfection.
Gnomes and halflings would most CERTAINLY embrace homosexuality. And Dwarves? In half the universes the women literally look like the men. They ABSOLUTELY would be gay. Like, to the point where they’d not even care.
Orcs? Okay, maybe, depending on how your world treats them and they act. Congrats, you have maybe one, and that’s just a maybe, because they stereotypically respect strength and would submit to their betters in all matters, including sex. But sure, if they were homophobic, that would surprise no one. The ORCS do it. Goblins are kind of the same.
Tieflings are LITERALLY FLAMING sometimes. Those pretty femboys reject homosexuality? Bull.
Dragonborn are beyond such concerns, peasant. Know your betters.
Bards: “ I’m horny”
Alright, the OP was just lazy in their worldbuilding and/or projecting their owm bias, but I gotta disagree about the orcs ’cause there’s way too many half-orcs out there to support that theory. Yes, even if the 5% of ‘straight’ orcs spreading their seed to every living thing they come across (er, bad choice of words). Also, survivor bias, since every living thing they encounter cannot get pregnant. And I know you want everyone to be gay, but don’t erase the straights (and Aces) either.
Consider that in many universes, outsiders have trouble telling male dwarves from female dwarves (female dwarves have beards, fight me) I’m pretty sure that a major factor in dwarven courtship is figuring out what sex the other dwarf is. At that point they’re pretty invested in the other person and tend to just go with it.
Goblins and Orcs fuck anything with a pulse and are incredibly horny all the time. Gay, straight, it doesn’t matter. Most other races would probably be pretty accepting, but I imagine Elves would have probably taken a long time to get there because like… they’re immortals and are extremely resistant to change. They’d be like our current society but with a much slower rate of change.
“Sexuality in fantasy in obviously more than just heterosexual”
so by definition literary fantasy is ‘fiction’ so how is anything which is a subset of the former ‘obvious’?..
Literally.. your story is your choice.. your decision.. or perhaps a considered generlised opinion…. but I’m not clear on the expected ‘outcome’ with this piece.. Fantasy sexuality/gender/identity does NOT have to conform to any social or biological ‘realistic’ norm or un-norm or in fact any conceivable predisposition or expectation! That is the point of fantasy/fiction etc. You make it up… You want to project no problem, want to assume go for your life, want to tell me or anyone ‘this’ is how it is in all stories.. then I hope you appreciate irony!!!
I can see Orcs being like the Romans…Where strength was the main trait that was appealing, leading to lots of gay sex…but also having a wife was important to keep the home, carry on the line, ect. So effectively bi, with varying degrees of preference.
Them being bi would also explain the excess of half-orcs!