LOL! OMG this thirst trap sexy Lucifer statue really happened and the one that replaced it really is even sexier! Le génie du mal (The Genius of Evil, known informally in English as Lucifer or The Lucifer of Liège) is a religious sculpture executed in white marble and installed in 1848 by the Belgian artist Guillaume Geefs. The sculpture is located in the elaborate pulpit of St. Paul’s Cathedral, Liège. Geefs’ work replaces an earlier sculpture created for the space by his younger brother Joseph Geefs, which was removed from the cathedral because of its distracting allure and “unhealthy beauty”. You can read more about the statue and the one it replaced here.

Here’s the original sexy Satan statue:

Aaaaaand the even sexier replacement Lucifer statue, lol:

Source: Kate Sheridan
(via: Geek Girls)
This happened in Liège, Belgium, my city. The statues are still exposed, the hotter one in the cathedral under the preaching chair, the other in the Cathedral’s Treasury (a museum besides the cathedral).
Fun fact, Liège is the only city in Europe where every male citizens can legally piss on the cathedral. This is a remnant of the Revolution of 1789: when the people of Liège dethroned the Prince-Archbishop and demolished the cathedral of St Lambert (the biggest in Europe after St Pierre of Rome at the time), the church chose St Paul as the new cathedral of the city; the citizens allowed it, but built a public toilet on the outside of the cathedral, directly against the master altar wall (the most sacred part of a church), so brave and honest free citizens of Liège would be able to piss on the very symbol of the church oppression they managed to evict.
The tradition is still upheld to this day. The city even paid for maintenance and repairs since 1789.
I love my city.