Shoot for the Moon – Comic

Port Sherry created this amusing “Shoot for the Moon” comic about the famous quote. But it has an unexpected ending, haha. You can support the artist on their Patreon, here is a little more info:

“Hi! I’m Pedro Arizpe, creator of a webcomic called Port Sherry. You might’ve stumbled upon a few of my works, like Helping the PrincessSurprise and Shoot for the moon. If you like stories like these, becoming a patron of Port Sherry is the perfect way to help me keep making these weird and wonderful comics. Every pledge, regardless of the amount, is very helpful and very much appreciated!

As a patron of Port Sherry you’ll be able to see new comics much longer before they appear on the official website or on social media, as well as get exclusive access to bonus materials, including sketches, commentary, rejected ideas, thoughts on various topics related to comic-making, recommendations and more!”

Shoot for the Moon - Comic

“This quote gets a lot of flak for its bad science and because its author, Norman Vincent Peale, is considered a quack and has unsavory associations… but I actually like its message a lot.”

Support the artist on Patreon!

Artist: Port Sherry

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