7 thoughts on “Space Orcs Easy To Forget

  1. I’ve been reading up on the Lipivore theory of hominin evolution and tool use, which posits that the great expansion of brain size was enabled by a new source of high-energy food. Brains and bone marrow are difficult for primary predators to extract from large prey, even for hyenas. Using rocks to bash open the skulls and long bones of carrion provided the boost needed for our small-bodied modest-brained ancestors to move up the food chain.

    Rocks that were damaged by bashing on bones, and the splintered bones themselves, produced sharp flakes by accident which slowly led to the use of the flakes themselves as tools rather than trash.

    At about the same time, hominins developed the suite of enhanced cooling and extreme endurance running that enabled cursorial hunting. Put the two together, and it was nightmare fuel for every other creature on earth (also known as “dinner”).

    The hominin hunters were slow but relentless, shambling after their prey night and day, the tortoise and the hare with deadly intent. The blown-out victim, terrified for hours or days, finally gave up and let the monsters walk up to it. Even in death, there was no escape. They broke the skull and bones to extract the treasure within and left only fragments.

    Humans owe our exalted position in command of the world to zombie pirates.


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