Finland is known for its strict enforcement of traffic rules and relatively high tickets for speeding violations. In Finland, the fines for speeding violations are calculated based on your income, which is intended to ensure that the fines have a proportionally equal impact on all income levels. This system is often referred to as “day-fines” or “income-based fines.” This is a great idea, here’s why:

“Finnish person here. Our speeding ticket system owns and only people who bitch about them are people who wanna break the laws – the loudest whiners are the rich people who think they can just pay their way out of trouble and that’s why we have laws like that.”
“400 dollar ticket.
Person making 10 dollars an hour: “Fuck, I better slow down”
Millionaire driving a Jaguar: “LOL 400 DOLLARS, FUCK THAT, NYOOM”
Compared to a proportional ticket.
Person making 10 dollars an hour and must pay 400 dollar ticket: “Fuck, I better slow down.”
Millionaire who must pay 100,000 dollar ticket: “Fuck, I better slow down.””
“Like wtf. Some people have been so brainwashed by capitalism and worship of the rich that they literally can’t tell the difference between fairness and unfairness anymore.
It IS fair. The fact that it flies in the status quo so much should make you think about that status quo.”
What do you think about speeding tickets in Finland? Let us know in the comments below!
It’s also a fundamental misunderstanding of the word “fair”. It’s a toddlers understanding, where “fair” means everyone gets exactly the same, regardless of differing needs.
But I wouldn’t think it was ok to go to the doctor and get a cast on my arm because that’s what everyone gets today, when what I need is a migraine medication. That wouldn’t be fair.
Fair is everyone getting what they NEED.
Instead of thinking of it in terms of a dollar amount that needs to be paid, think of it as an amount of time.
A poor man needs to work full week to pay the ticket? Ok, how much does a rich man earn in a week?
If everyone is fined a week of their time, no-one is treated unfairly.
Makes me think of someone I knew who was rich. He would park wherever he wanted, regardless of a fine he may get (as long as the car wouldn’t be towed). He called it ‘the price for parking there’. A $300-$500 fine didn’t phase him as much as walking a block or more to his car. This fine would have bankrupted me (a uni student), where he had no issues paying it.