Spiritual Conspiracy Theorist Red Flags

creature-wizard wrote this extensive list of red flags to look for of your worried that a spiritual person is actually a conspiracy theorist. This is important to know because if history has taught us anything, it’s that the people pushing the conspiracy theories are almost always the bad guys.

Spiritual Conspiracy Theorist Red Flags
Spiritual Conspiracy Theorist Red Flags

Spiritual Conspiracy Theorist Red Flags
Spiritual Conspiracy Theorist Red Flags

Spiritual Conspiracy Theorist Red Flags

Source: creature-wizard

2 thoughts on “Spiritual Conspiracy Theorist Red Flags

  1. I feel that nothing will stop the rampant rise in conspiracy theories because unfortunately, they are partly true. Horrific people with no conscience do in fact skulk in the shadows behind public vision and commit the worst crimes on a scale never before seen. We know this to be true because we see glimpses of this happening from the occasional whistle-blower. And the mask has been slipping a lot lately. If you see ice on the water, well, there must be a lot more ice underneath, if not a whole continent of land.

    It’s natural for people to fill in the gaps, they might imagine a whole icy Atlantis, a portal to another dimension, a divine being, or a secret underwater base run by Jews. They’re wrong, but it’s not a failure of thinking or of the human brain. We’re wired to avoid uncertainty, so that mental landscape can’t have a massive void skulking all around us. Of course we’ll fill in the blanks. Some of us scrawl “here be dragons” and some of us pretend never to see it, and some more of us cope in myriad ways driven by our life experiences. Psych plasticity goes both ways.

    There is a hurricane of fascism promising certainty right around the corner.

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