Lisa Mancini aka “Mermaid Squirrel Girl” is a real life Squirrel Girl from Marvel Comics! Here she is looking fabulous cosplaying as Doreen Green aka Squirrel Girl and posing with her adorable pet squirrels Thor and Loki! You can also currently watch her on Bachelor in Paradise Canada on Citytv. She is a joy to watch and one of the realest contestants looking for love on the show. We’re rooting for her! Here’s a little bit more about her from her Patreon, which you can support her on: “You may know me as a mermaid, squirrel whisperer, cosplayer, reality tv contestant OR just plain Lisa. I am very much the awkward, goofy, creative and magical person I believe I present myself as on the daily.”

“ 5 reasons I’m also a squirrel:
1. Small, cute but fierce
2. Will attack if you touch my food
4. Lives in anxiety panic mode 24/7
5. Great climber”

“Squirrel Girl, Squirrel Girl! Powers of both squirrel and girl! Finds some nuts, eats some nuts, kicks bad guuuuuys’ evil butts! To her, life is a great big acorn! Where there’s a city crime-torn, you’ll find the Squirrel Girl!!! “

Here is a cosplay vs character vs cosplayer comparison:

And she has another Squirrel Girl cosplay look as well:

Cosplayer: Lisa Mancini – Instagram – Support her on Patreon!
Photographer: Fotobyryan