Now this is parenting done right! The force is strong with awesome dad Tez_Gelmir who built this epic Rocking Speeder Bike based on the 74-Z speeder bike from Star Wars! He made it for his one year old daughter’s birthday! Not only did he build one of the coolest rocking horses of all time for her (challenged only by the Rocking X-Wing Fighter), but he also uploaded step-by-step instructions so you can build your own too! Here are some photos as well as a video showing whole process:

Source: Tez_Gelmir – Rocking Speeder Bike Instructions
I love this
This is such a heartwarming and impressive parenting move! Kudos to Tez_Gelmir for creating an amazing rocking horse for his daughter’s birthday and sharing the step-by-step instructions with everyone. May the force be with them!
Great DIY Ideas