Story About Cats Named Jean and Jorts

This reddit thread about two cats named Jean and Jorts is amazing! This “Am I the asshole?” thread is such a wild ride. It starts with the unlikely question, “AITA for “perpetuating ethnic stereotypes” about Jorts?”. And then goes on the explain just wtf that means, haha:

Story About Cats Named Jean and Jorts
Story About Cats Named Jean and Jorts
Story About Cats Named Jean and Jorts

Story About Cats Named Jean and Jorts
Story About Cats Named Jean and Jorts


(via: Rachel Rosing)

2 thoughts on “Story About Cats Named Jean and Jorts

  1. the buttering cats part got me, what even
    i have a cat and
    i just
    oh my gosh
    look ms pam i see your good intentions and applaud you for it, but if jorts is unbothered by his state of dumbass-cat-ness, and he’s just living his life perfectly fine and healthy, then let him live it! some cats are just brainfart cats. it doesnt have anythign to do with fur color tho btw, my sisters cat is orange tabby and he is a freaking HOUDINI he can escape from almost anything if he wants to. (we put the cats in the garage at night cause otherwise they make a racket at 3-6am cause they want to eat breakfast and go outside and no one wants to be woken by these noisy mfs)
    if jorts is fine and healthy please stop buttering him or stressing him out by putting him in difficult situations, him and jean clearly know how to handle any situation he brainfarts himself into. please ma’am leave the cat be.

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