While there’s of course nothing wrong with writing the traditional feminine but “strong female character” trope, headspace-hotel is calling for more grimy range in female characters. We all know people are diverse and flawed, so just give us more of that range in women in books and onscreen. Not every depiction of female characters has to be positive, beautiful, strong, independent, flawless, etc.

Source: headspace-hotel
(via: Vellum and Vinyl)
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I found this somewhere — maybe even here — and I post it wherever people talk about “strong female characters”: “Strong female character” means “well-written female character” and not just “female character who punches stuff and shoots stuff”.
Female character who is every sexist trope ever but has a well-thought-out backstory as to why she’s that? Strong female character.
Female character who is a well-thought-out villain, that people hate because they see themselves in her? Strong female character.
Unattractive second-fiddle to the hot female lead? Has a great personality because she can’t get by on looks, unlike her friend? Strong female character, assuming the author lets the personality shine through.
And to the point of the post, female character who is negatively or neutrally represented but very relatable? Strong female character who is probably a lot easier to write than the above examples.
The Circle of Magic books by Tamora Pierce had some good characters like this iirc