That whole anti-abortion, or more aptly named anti-choice argument, “What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of a fetus that gets aborted?” is stupid. Like this post points out, if you want to talk about real life actual things that prevent scientific advancement look no further than capitalism, misogyny, ableism, racism, violence, oppression. But that doesn’t allow you to control people’s bodies and push your gross agenda.

What if the fetus you abort would have cured cancer?
Hmm. Interesting point, but…
What if the fetus you force to be born winds up being the next Stalin?
What if that embryo winds up being the person who uses a nuclear bomb in the middle of a city?
What if you force that girl to give birth, traumatizing her so that she never has another child, who would have actually been the one to cure cancer?
Yeah if we start with the ‘What if…’ game then we’ll still be arguing when the sun goes dark.
Let’s just stick with the realities of what we KNOW will happen. An ectopic pregnancy (as an example out of so many possibilities) will definitely give the parents significant trauma, possibly even death. Who knows what THAT will end up doing?