CosmicEmpress looks wonderful cosplaying as Supergirl from DC Comics! Here’s what she had to say about it:
“Supergirl was a bit of a last minute decision when I first made it. I was heading off to dragon con and wanted to add a comic book character to my mostly anime and video game line up. When looking through the characters that I could handle in the time limit and had interest in, it came down to two character Supergirl or Emma Frost. As much as I like X-Men, I really loved watching the 80’s Supergirl movie as a kid. As with a lot of my cosplay picks the nostalgia for the character won over and I set to making it. I found some fan art where the S emblem curved into the chest and really liked it. A designer friend of mine basically said it could not be done. Challenge accepted! I had a little bit of experience working with leather and knew it could hold a shape. So I went to work. Since I didn’t have a body double, and still don’t, I used my own body to mold the pentagon on, and let it dry over a 12 hour period. And thus my vision of Supergirl was on it’s way. This is now my second version of Supergirl and I’ve done Power Girl as well. On my list for the new future is a dark Supergirl. I can’t get enough of this character.”

Supergirl Cosplayer: CosmicEmpress
Photographer: RJ Photography
(via: Geek Girls)